The Meaning of Christmas
Every year around Christmas time there is always so much
emphasis placed on the materialistic things in life. The multitude of shoppers
overflowing the malls, the Christmas wish lists placed as statuses on Facebook,
and kids begging their parents for the latest Apple products have become such a
common theme throughout the years. Last week I found myself trying to use the
persuasion skills I learned from my Theories of Persuasions class to get my
parents to agree to buy me a new laptop. Then, realizing that it was becoming
hopeless, I changed my material want to a Coach bag from the Poppy collection I
had had my eye on for WEEKS. After failing at persuading my parents to buy
either (I’m really not sure how I passed my Persuasions class), it hit me that
Christmas time has evolved into a time of fulfilling our deepest material
wishes when it should be a time of celebrating life. With so much material
goods and temptations around us it has become hard to focus on the more
important aspects of life- family, friends, happiness, love. These are aspects
we usually take for granted, but could be taken away from us at any second.
This Christmas I want to encourage everyone to take a look at their lives and
see how much physical items they already have. Instead of adding to a personal
inventory, try spending more time with those around you and appreciating what
you have been blessed with. I plan on celebrating my best friend’s 21st
birthday at a nice restaurant, going to Christmas service at church, and making
gingerbread houses with my youngest sister J For those of us that simply love to
shop, instead of buying more and more stuff for ourselves or family/ friends
(because let’s be honest, this stuff is just going into storage or being
regifted) look into nonprofit organizations such as Toys for Tots and donate
items that will make someone in need smile. Let’s bring back a more meaningful